Day 5 : Putting Yourself Out There with Kolleen Harrison

Hi All!Today is Day 5 and we are working through the month chatting about Putting ourselves out there with some amazing women.  Today's special guest is Kolleen Harrison.  ...

Day 4 : Putting Yourself Out There with Jennifer Belthoff

Happy Day 4!Every time I re-watch these chats before I upload for you all, I take a page of notes and think this is my favorite chat! Each...

Day 2: Putting Yourself Out There with Susan Sanelli Hammack

Good Day 2 to you!I am happy to kick off the Putting Yourself Out There conversations with a women who I met earlier this year. Susan is a...

Day 1: It’s a new month and a new topic for our Handmade U Conversations!

  Welcome to August .... it's a month of new Handmade U conversations that will continue to inspire you!  I had such a wonderful time chatting about Cultivating Creativity in...