Day 26: Putting Yourself Out There with Kelli May Krenz

TGIF! Happy Friday Everyone!  Hoping you made it through the week with gusto and as few bumps and bruises as possible.  I am happy to share my conversation with...

Day 25: Putting Yourself Out There with Sherri Welser

Welcome to our Handmade U conversation today with Sherri Welser.Sherri Welser is a mixed media artist and jewelry artisan who combines wonderful textures ,vibrant colors and inspirational messages in...

Day 24: Putting Yourself Out There with Vikki Spencer

Hi All!!I am always so happy to share one of my conversations with you all!  Today even more so because of two things, #1 - because I had to...

Day 23: Putting Yourself Out There with Jennifer Henson

Howdy! It's Tuesday and already feels like it should be Friday! So I want to share a really fun chat I had with Jennifer Henson whose excitement for...

Day 22: Putting Yourself Out There with Ivy Newport

Happy Monday Everyone!!So today's lesson is that Putting Yourself Out There is that it is sometimes messy, sometimes it doesn't come across exactly how you envisioned it, and sometimes...

Day 21: Putting Yourself Out There with Stephanie Jones Rubiano

Hope you all had a great weekend!To cap off the weekend I want to share with you a fun chat I had with Stephanie Jones Rubiano.Stephanie Jones Rubiano is...

Day 20: Putting Yourself Out There with Branda Schrader

What a beautiful Saturday here in Nebraska! Cool today, fingers crossed it sticks around!I want to welcome back Branda Schrader to the blog for today's conversation on Putting...

Day 19: Putting Yourself Out There with Pamela Huntington

TGIF!Hoping you all had a great week and are ready for a fantastic weekend. We are gearing up for an early morning to head to Omaha for the...

Day 17: Putting Yourself Out There with Molly Meng

We are at the mid-week point people!  I hope it's going well!!  Today's chat should brighten your day and add some enthusiasm into your life!Molly Meng is an Artist,...

Day 16: Putting Yourself Out There With Erin Faith Allen

Hi Everyone! Today I'm working on lots of projects around the homestead, Handmade U prep is in full swing, I've asked the Barn kitties to start sweeping up and...