About Me

Hi! I’m Rachel McGough, Wife To Jim, Mom to little Pippa Pearl, and Maker. I love vintage quilt fabric and enjoy repurposing them to use in daily life. I’ve hosted creative retreats for women since 2011, taught online courses, co-hosted a Maker podcast, and published The Maker U online magazine, I’ve done a little of everything. Now I want to share with you a way to create YOUR Maker Story, one that fits you uniquely.

My Hope

I hope to encourage all Makers to create their own stories. Every Maker starts at the beginning, so do not compare yourself to other Makers further down the road than you, with very different life circumstances.

My Commitment

I will support, encourage and even provide a butt-kick to propel you forward in beginning and/or growing your business into a sustainable one that is uniquely your own, and able to be adjusted as life happens and continues moving forward.

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