Day 4: Cultivating Creativity with Dianne Fago

Welcome to Day 4 and Happy Fourth of July!How is your month of creativity going?? I know it is the 4th of July today and you may be...

Day 3: Cultivating Creativity with Shae Otto

Welcome to Day 3 of Cultivating Creativity in July!Our special guest today is Shae Otto, one of the sweetest and kindest gals you will meet.  Shae lives in Southern...

Day 2: Cultivating Creativity with Vikki Spencer

Welcome to our first day of the AMAZING conversations that I am having with some wonderfully inspiring women.  I would bet that you will find a little bit of...

Day 2 *Comparison* – The 5 Reasons You Aren’t Being Creative and How to Turn it Around

HI!I hope you all took some time yesterday to think about Perfectionism and have decided to throw it out the window because we have another big excuse to tackle...

“Extra Credit” All-Day Pocket Letters™ Workshop w/ Janette Lane & Rachel McGough

Hi All!  I'm so excited to announce our first ever Handmade U "Extra Credit" One Day workshop!  WE HAVE POSTPONED THE DATE OF THIS EVENT.  IF YOU ARE INTERESTED...