On the 3rd Day of Shopping Handmade – Manon Doyle – Sisters of the Sun

Hi Everyone!I've been pre-occupied with all the SNOW coming down today!  I wasn't expecting it and planned to rake leaves (I know a little bit late!) now we have...

On the 2nd Day of Shopping Handmade for Christmas – Lisa McKenney

On the Second Day of Shopping Handmade I'd like to introduce you to Lisa McKenney of Love Squared Designs.  Lisa is such a loving and giving person.  She has...

The 12 Days of Shopping Handmade for Christmas!! – Day 1 – Kelli May-Krenz

Hi All!!It is a busy time of year!  Trying to tick all your to-do's off your checklist and still finding time to enjoy the season!We celebrate the holidays with...

Fall Handmade U 2016 Recap!

Hi Everyone!Today is the first day I've had to slow down a bit and let all the excitement of the past semester of Handmade U settle in as I...

Day 5 * NO TIME* – 5 Reasons You Aren’t Being Creative and How to Turn It Around

Hi Creatives!It's the last day of identifying our excuses....We have covered Perfection, Comparison, No Ideas/Too Many Ideas, No Plan/Organization, and finally we have our last excuse!  I am going...

Day 4 – *NO PLAN* – 5 Reasons Why You Aren’t Being Creative and How to Turn Them Around

Hi There!Thanks for sticking with me and working through these excuses we have for not being Creative.  We've covered #1 - Perfection #2 - Comparison #3 - No Ideas/Too...

Day 3 * No Ideas * – 5 Reasons Why You Aren’t Being Creative – And How to Turn it Around

Hi All -Now you have given up Perfection from Day 1, I am hoping you have considered leaving Comparison at the door or at least turning Comparison into Inspiration...

Day 1 * Perfectionism* – The 5 Reasons You Aren’t Being Creative and How to Turn It Around!

HI All!Summer is here and that may mean a little extra time to do fun things, take advantage of the outdoors, try new summer meals, and maybe head off...

Brave Girl Symposium July 6- 8

Hi Ladies -If you are taking Brave Girl University classes and want to get to know some other Brave Girls that are taking them too, or if you wanted...

Fall 2016 – 11th Semester of Handmade U, September 8-10

Hi All -Lots of planning and dreaming going on over here at the Homestead.  With the snow beginning to melt after being frozen out here in the country, I...