Day 31: Cultivating Creativity Wrap Up and Project to Move Forward
Hi Everyone!
First of all THANK YOU! Thanks to all of you who clicked on over here and listened in on one or hopefully ALL of the conversations. Thanks and a Big Hug to all the women that agreed to #1 learn how to Skype ;), #2 find the place in their homes that the wi-fi was the best to Skype, and most importantly #3 Chat with me about Creativity!
Little did I know when I got the wild idea to start chatting with some friends on Skype and sharing the conversations with the Handmade U Tribe did I think it would turn out to be such an inspiring project for me, and by the sweet messages I have received from some of you, it appears that you were inspired by these women too! They all shared such great advice and thoughts didn’t they?? My hope is that your mind was expanded, stretched, and broadened on what Being Creative means. Are you on board that we are ALL Creative? That we ALL have gifts we can use to bring Creativity into our days?
Have you sat yourself down and really had a heart to heart that you DO have the time to be Creative if you broaden that definition and make better choices with your precious time?
Have you flipped the script on being held to a standard of perfection that is out of reach for anyone and realized that enjoying the process of being Creative is all you need to do, no matter what the outcome?
Have you turned Comparison on its head and realized we should be inspired by others work and use it for good? To let it push us to create our own projects with our own style, because do we really want everything on Instagram or in the world to look and be the same? Wouldn’t it be great to share our work and have people know it is ours without them even seeing our names on it?
You are Deserving, You are Enough, so Allow yourself the time to be Creative. Let yourself enjoy the process, know that mistakes will happen, and it will be OK! More than likely it’ll be better than OK when you learn from those mistakes and try again, and maybe even again, it’ll give it all texture, and isn’t that what Life is about??
Here are a few of my wrap-up thoughts on the month of conversations!
If you have been inspired by this month and don’t want to let it end I am creating a fun little class for you to take, more on that in the coming days!
Oh and don’t think we won’t be continuing with more Conversations! Tomorrow will be a whole new topic. This topic turned out to be much broader, one that really opens it up to talking about all kinds of stories from more amazing women. You certainly don’t want to miss August on the blog. Stop by tomorrow and hear ALL about it!!
Now Go and Be Creative!
Here are the links to all the ladies’ conversations if you missed any!
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