Day 9: Putting Yourself Out There with Robin Dudley-Howes and Handmade U
Welcome to Day 9!
I am excited to share with you our next Handmade U conversation with special guest Robin Dudley-Howes.
Nationally known mixed media instructor, designer and published artist, Robin Dudley-Howes was recently described by the creator of Glitterfest Los Angeles, Sheryl Simpson, as “The little lady with a gypsy heart and skills of a ninja master”.
Robin is owner and operator of Dudley-Howes Designs and runs an online store Her inquisitive creative side came out around the age of 5 and continues to be the passion and driving force for all things artful which currently extends to teaching and creating mixed media jewelry, art dolls, assemblages, painting and creativity in general. You’ve probably seen her work in magazine publications such as Somerset Studio, Jewelry Affaire and Somerset Studio Gallery along with recent articles in Art Doll Quarterly and a feature how-to of her Santos Cage Doll on the cover of Cloth, Paper, Scissors.
Fly on over to her nest for exciting updates on her latest adventures, class schedule and future online classes!
You can find Robin lots of places!!
Her new online course
Her shop
Listen to our chat here:
Putting Yourself Out There with Robin Dudley-Howes and Handmade U from Rachel McGough on Vimeo.
What a great chance to hear about Robin’s journey in putting herself out there! To think just starting by enjoying card-making and giving those to friends and family lead her to all the things she is doing now. With hard work and challenging yourself you can take it to another level and beyond.
Feeling the desire to share and teach can take you far, and give so much to others who will be inspired by your work! Your students will become friends and can help gather more of your tribe together.
Be sure you don’t compare your journey to others’, we each have our own journey and timetable for progress. Be inspired, then go do your own work!
And as Robin said so wisely – It would be selfish for you not to put yourself out there! You have so much to share!!
Now go be creative,
Join us for our Fall semester of Handmade U! Details and Sign up HERE. (Sign up ends August 15th)
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